
Menifee Kids Art Camp

Inspiring Creativity through Arts & Crafts

After School Children Art Classes Second Session


Summer Art Camp hosted at Santa Rosa Academy Charter School in Menifee concluded Friday June 16- 2017

Our Summer Art Camp hosted at Santa Rosa Academy Charter School in Menifee concluded Friday June 16, 2017


Children celebrate their hard work with a Pizza Party and we open the doors ( finally! ) to parents for the walk around our classroom to enjoy their kids creativity transformed into  pieces of art.

Our mosaic art tiles do need more scrubbing   tho :) overall projects came to live at the kids littles hands.


___ Our brave  summer art campers had graduated from painting with crayons to a more daring arts and crafts they are wiser and more knowledgeable  on the art techniques,  supplies and crafts than a week ago hope you enjoy their creative transformation.

Please parents keep nurturing their creativity. It has been a pleasure and joy to have them thank you for sharing them with us!

We love their laughters, their inquisitive questions, their incredible energy, their conversation of fears and dangers, their bravery and their creativity.

My mission and personal goal is to share with your millenian  child all I can and what  have learned and has been  available to me  thru the years. Thank you for entrusting  us with your precious possession in this intensive art camp week.

 So long and have a safe and wonderful Summer!

The Following up Summer Art Camp will be hosted in Canyon Lake Private Community - Outside visitors are welcome.

You can register  by signing up at the pool, or for more information call the pool at 951-244-6841 ext. 617

For parent that have asked me prior - Art Projects will be  different that the Santa Rosa Art Camp.


To view more art classes hosted by professional artist please check my website at:



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