
Menifee Kids Art Camp

Inspiring Creativity through Arts & Crafts

After School Children Art Classes Second Session


Summer Art Camp - Dirty hands at work! Paper clay sculpting today

 Going above and beyond on children art classes - this is for sure not the “peel & stick” crafty projects you get in a kit at the craft stores.

Art  campers will tell you Summer Art Camp  includes  drawing and painting and  some hardwork and “yuky” work preparation for some of the projects and today was the day.


Children finished their name badges - they learned about lamination, got instructions  and caution on hot electrical machines and they learned how the laminator operates. Kids had the opportunity to create some beaded necklaces with their handprinted name badges.

Beading can be challenging for those little hands and those knots can be even worse … but my art campers did not quit and every child did great, necklaces look as a true one of a kind golden metals! 




Children went right on preparing the paperclay today containing “ engrudo” Spanish word for homemade glue - they learned this same glue formula is used to make pinatas  …No worries parents we are not making pinatas this year. :)




Some of your art campers did not have their stomach to put their hands inside our paper clay too long … but they tried and did well even for a short while … in the other hand most of the children  where so thrill and happy mixing and mushing  all the paper particles to a clay form that it was really hard to separate child from the paperclay bucket  ( It took some persuasion )


Art Campers  mixed and mulched that paper clay to their consistency just right to sculpt the kitty cat ears and big chicks on their bowling pin cats; and to sculpting they went! forming and shaping and balancing the clay on top of the bowling pin seems easy but requires little bit of knowledge to get it to stay on it; and adding those long whiskers to the cat was really fun!  Your child now can explain you the procedure.


Those cats are coming along just gorgeous   each one with their own unique personality - a true reflection of your child’s creativity.

Summer art camp in Menifee California- Paper Clay sculpting

Art class for children by Ines Miller- Professional fine artist- paper clay sculpting


We moved along by preparing a wood board and painting the base. Children learned about tie dye fabrics and they prepare their t-shirt today with folds, wrinkles and rubber bands. We were short few t-shirts and they will get them tomorrow first time and kids will be instructed how to do their  ties on their t-shirts;  tomorrow all children should be able to jump into  “tie dye “  extravaganza!



Parrot Anatomy study: Children sketched along  with me on  the study of a macaw parrot. This is a hand  sketch exercise  to prepare them for their canvas  painting project.

They learned about hooked bill parrots, how they branch, wing anatomy and position of their body, how long is their tail feathers and how this parrots fly, land, perch and hold food.


Art class Instructions are child friendly and to child  level  of understanding; we  explain   in a way that makes sense for them to understand and fun at same time.




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Ines Miller.


Menifee Kids Art Camp

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